Sunday, November 25, 2012

De Noord-Duitse laagvlakte

The North German Plain
This plain hurts the eyes, it is unending, you beg it to stop and when you arrive, you know you have to do it once more just to get home. I am talking about the journey from Hirtshals to Groningen. I am still trying to find those responsible for this cockup, but my efforts have alas not been rewarded. Suitable punishment would be forced sudoku-work till brain meltdown.

Color Line, Super Speed. Michael in the cafe.

In Hirtshals at the Shell, dog station as well.

Somewhere in Germany, grey weather, at a Burger King. People from the area.

View from the Burger King.

They do have VGC here (Very Good Coffee) The food stinks but the coffee is amazing. Actually the coffee makes the journey slightly bearable, bringing it up from a slight -7 to a -1.

Bit battered after twelve hours travel and a miserable nights rest. BUT: Great to see Mike's parents and catch up on life in the NL!!

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