Monday, May 14, 2012

Around area, Baneheia and Kvadraturen

 Sorry about that, fair view of Andra's tail, difficult to focus!

 This guy is better at sitting still. This photo is taken at Revetjønn, Fox's pond.

 Cherry tree blossoming in Kvadraturen, or in fact, Posebyen, from Torvet on the way to the river Otra.

 Some people know what kind of boat this is, and I would just call it a fishing boat.... On the Otra, on the way out where the river meets the Kristiansand fjord.

 There!! With lots of rainwater and upcoming tide you dont want to get caught in the meeting waves!! We bike further and get to the Tangen:

 This used to be a place where campers could park for free, right in the middle of town. Not anymore. Regulators have realized its recreative potentials.

Even Lion's club put down a couple of public training sets, where you can work your abs, biceps etc after your run around the Kvadraturen, which is only 3 kilometers though, maybe not enough for a decent warm up for some of you...

Admitting also that this was taken a week ago, in radiant sunshine, while the rain is now pouring down. We don's take photo's that remind us of bad weather.

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