Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Evasive Procrastination (3) The careless gardener

Yesterday the plants were allowed out to play, into the sun, the garden and the earth. They had been standing on the balcony waving at me for some days now. Reminding me of my promise. But we had just had too much fun lately, with Constitutional day, visit, writing, working...

We got a great piece of cardboard from the local bikeshop. They are just perfect, no print on, and they fill the whole plot!

The weed we leave to die under the cardboard, and above, all the plants are let out to thrive and grow.,

Then we needed a little walk with Andra. Here she is rolling with delight after a swim in Bånetjønn.

All the little plants in a row. Not a weed in sight.

Finally, the Squash, the Endive, the Perpetual Spinach and the Basil have found their places. The Borecole needs to wait till it gets bigger before it can come out and play with the others.

 And now it begins, war of Snails!!

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